Electronic Stopwatch and Countdown Timer

GCSE Technology & Design Coursework Assignment

The brief for this project was to design, manufacture, assemble and program an electronic system that would appeal to teenagers for their day-to-day interests. To satisfy the functional requirements of this product, I created a stopwatch and countdown timer system that could be used to keep time for different sporting events and competitions.

I invite you to look at the project portfolio attached below and available to download as a PDF.

Download Portfolio (PDF)

This project provided me with an early opportunity to develop skills in different areas of product development, including:

  • product design specification

  • products and component research

  • materials selection

  • concept development, embodiment and detailed design

  • electronic hardware procurement

  • PCB design and manufacture

  • software development and microcontroller programming

  • prototype testing and troubleshooting

  • final assembly, testing and validation




Children's Easel